Vision statement for Art and Design
At St Peters C E Primary Academy, we value and nurture every child as an individual; as someone whose uniqueness, interests and passions are supported and celebrated. We are a family who learn together, care for one another and make the most of every opportunity. Through our positive attitude, our growing confidence and determination to do our best, all children thrive and are ready to make their mark on the world.
At St Peters C E Primary Academy, we provide a loving, caring and supportive environment that ensures every child has the opportunity to reach their full potential. We are committed to providing all children with learning opportunities to engage in Art and Design and believe that every child within our school should have full access to the Art provision as laid down in the National Curriculum regardless of age, gender or ability. The intent of our Art education is to give pupils the skills, concepts and knowledge necessary for them to express their responses to ideas and experiences in a visual or tactile form. It should fire their imagination and be a fundamental means of personal expression.
While it is essentially a practical subject, art should provide opportunities for reflection and, with increasing sensitivity, pupils should acquire the ability to make informed and personal responses of their own work and that of others. There is great pleasure to be derived from Art learning and, through deeper understanding; pupils can gain access to cultural richness and diversity. The appreciation and enjoyment of the visual arts enriches all our lives.
At St Peters C E Primary Academy we believe that the learning of Art provides a valuable educational, as well as social and cultural, experiences for children of all ages. Pupils develop life skills and have the chance to extend their knowledge of a practitioner’s works.
Looking at our whole school vision and the drivers for our curriculum I have looked at each driver and thought about how our Art and design curriculum will deliver each one.
Social Responsibility
The children will use their experience within the Art and design curriculum to find opportunities to benefit others. This may include creating an art exhibition or even selling our ‘art’ to raise money for charity.
Our Art and Design Curriculum will encourage our pupils to reflect on their role both independently but also as part of a group. This will develop useful skills that are transferable to the world of work – showing that we have a responsibility for ourselves and also within a group.
Our Art and Design curriculum will give our children access to cultural capital and they will be introduced to cultural and social contexts beyond those they are familiar with.
Knowledge as its own intrinsic value
Our vision is for all pupils to develop a lifelong love of the Arts. We will expose them to new worlds, experiences and ideas. Students will enjoy the creative process.
In line with the national curriculum for art and design, St Peters C E Primary Academy aims to develop pupils who:
1. Produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences
2 .Become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques
3. Evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design
4. Know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.
Art and Design teaching at St Peters delivers the requirements of the National Curriculum through use of the Kapow scheme of work. It is taught during the 1st half term of each term ( with Design and Technology being taught in the 2nd half term).
The Kapow Art revised scheme of work is designed with five strands that run throughout. These are:
● Generating ideas
● Using sketchbooks
● Making skills, including formal elements (line, shape, tone, texture, pattern, colour)
● Knowledge of artists
● Evaluating and analysing
Units of lessons are sequential, allowing children to build their skills and knowledge, applying them to
a range of outcomes. The formal elements, a key part of the National Curriculum, are also woven throughout units. Key skills are revisited again and again with increasing complexity in a spiral curriculum model. This allows pupils to revise and build on their previous learning. Units in each year group are organised into four core areas:
● Drawing
● Painting and mixed-media
● Sculpture and 3D
● Craft and design
The units fully scaffold and support essential and age-appropriate, sequenced learning. Creativity and independent outcomes are robustly embedded into these units, supporting students in learning how to make their own creative choices and decisions, so that their art outcomes, whilst still being knowledge-rich, are unique to the pupil and personal.
Lessons are always practical in nature and encourage experimental and exploratory learning with pupils using sketchbooks to document their ideas. Differentiated guidance is available for every lesson to ensure that lessons can be accessed and enjoyed by all pupils and opportunities to stretch pupils’ learning are available when required. Knowledge organisers for each unit support pupils by providing a highly visual record of the key knowledge and techniques learned, encouraging recall of skills processes, key facts and vocabulary.
By using the Kapow scheme we aim to maximise outcomes for pupils. Kapow has been created with the understanding that some teachers may not feel confident delivering the full Art and design curriculum and every effort has been made to ensure that they feel supported to deliver lessons of a high standard that ensure pupil progression. Pupil videos created by subject specialists help pupils to see art techniques modelled by experts, to ensure the delivery of Art in your school is of the highest quality. Each unit of lessons includes multiple teacher videos to develop subject knowledge and support ongoing CPD.
The impact of Kapow Primary’s scheme can be constantly monitored through both formative and summative assessment opportunities. Each lesson includes guidance to support teachers in assessing pupils against the learning objectives. An assessment spreadsheet including the learning outcomes for children with secure understanding and those working at greater depth enables teachers to keep records of summative assessments for each child.
After following the Art and design scheme, pupils should leave St Peters C E Primary Academy equipped with a range of techniques and the confidence and creativity to form a strong foundation for their Art and design learning at Key Stage 3 and beyond.
The expected impact of following the Kapow Primary Art and design scheme of work is that children
★ Produce creative work, exploring and recording their ideas and experiences.
★ Be proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques.
★ Evaluate and analyse creative works using subject-specific language.
★ Know about great artists and the historical and cultural development of their art.
★ Meet the end of key stage expectations outlined in the National curriculum for Art and design.
We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:
· Pupil discussions and interviewing the pupils about their learning (pupil voice).
· LAC monitoring with our Art and Design link governor.
· Annual reporting and tracking of standards across the curriculum.
· Photo and video evidence of the pupils practical learning.
· Use of the assessment tools provided within the Kapow scheme.
· Dedicated Art and Design leader time enabling the subject coordinator to monitor implementation of the subject across the school
Subject Fingerprints
We want our children to begin to think like artists. The integrity of the subject is important to us. We have designed 5 key 'fingerprints' that we feel encapsulate what we want art to be, to support teachers to plan and support children to start to think like an expert. Please see our subject fingerprints on our Curriculum Overview page for more information.
Please see below for the Art and DT combined medium term plan